The UPS Guy Read online

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  Big Jared didn’t want her working now that Jared Jr. was eighteen months and they were trying to have a second baby (hopefully a girl so that they’d be done making their family). Despite the recession, he had been doing quite nicely at the accounting firm he worked for, and it made him feel like a man that he could afford to have his wife stay home and look after their children.

  Seconding Jewel’s enslavement had been her own mother. Kate had said, “Nothing is better for a child’s development than to have their mother home for the first few years. If you can afford to do it—then it really makes a difference to children.”

  “Your mom is a Psychiatrist, she knows what she’s talking about,” Big Jared had told Jewel.

  DING-dong went the doorbell and Jewel hurried to answer it so that the baby wouldn’t be awakened.

  “Hey big sis,” Olivia smiled as she bounced inside the house fresh from her job at a FORD dealership. “How are ya?”

  “Bored, what else?”

  Jewel and her mother, Kate, had long, thick light sandy brown hair, but nineteen year old Olivia was a natural blond. Her angelic face, full of life, reminded Jewel of how she herself had been before she’d gotten married.

  “Jewel you’re not still having problems with what we talked about last time are you?”

  “Yep, I am—Big Jared’s not fucking me enough. It’s like he only wants it every two weeks now—and that’s only because he wants me pregnant.” Jewel gave a long depressed sigh and blurted out, “I’m convinced he’s having an affair.”

  “Jewel, NO!”

  “Well what else could it be, Olivia? We’re both in our frigg’n twenties—we both love sex.”

  “Maybe he’s just tired lately from all the demands of his accounting agency. I hear they handle a lot of big accounts.”

  “I know my husband, Olivia—and I know that’s something wrong. He’s cheating on me.”

  But what Jewel didn’t tell Olivia was that deep down—she was more jealous of Jared than actually mad at him for cheating. She was tired of sleeping with her husband and wanted to get fucked by some other men for a change. Four years into the marriage—she was realizing that she was the type of woman who liked variety.

  Tears flared up in Olivia’s blue eyes. She was such a sweet baby sister that whenever Jewel was hurting or upset, she hurt, too. All she wanted was for her mom and her big sister to be happy and to always be in the good mood that she was in.

  “I don’t know what to say,” Olivia confessed with her usual youthful doe-eyed expression. “Are you going to confront him with your suspicions?”

  On the television screen, they were showing vintage clips of big hairy Tom Selleck on Magnum P.I. with his shirt off, running lean and tanned down a beach in swim trunks.

  Jewel’s pussy got wet just watching him. She wanted to clean the hair on his body by licking him from his ankles to his thighs, up to his hairy belly and all over his strong, muscular Magnum P.I. chest. Then she wanted to suck his dick and lick his balls. And then she wanted him inside her—deep inside—spooning and banging as though she were nothing more than a rag doll fuck slut.

  Yeah…fuck slut. That’s what she wanted to be. And other than Olivia dropping by in the late afternoons, the house was usually empty all day. Baby Jared was a quiet baby.

  “Hello—earth to Jewel.”

  Jewel sighed. “Confront Big Jared? I don’t know Olivia. I mean what if he is having an affair. What am I going to do about it—leave him?”


  “You’re only nineteen, Olivia. That’s why it seems that simple to you, but it’s not. I can’t give up my house and my husband and my credit cards—Jared Jr. needs his daddy.”

  But what Jewel didn’t say…was that she was bored by Big Jared’s small but sometimes pleasing penis and his routine way of fucking. She had married him for practical, intelligent reasons—he was white like her and earned over seventy thousand a year; he was tall and reasonably attractive, a college graduate, believed in god but wasn’t functionally religious, respectful, charming, patient and kind. He was everything that a smart woman would want in a husband, so Jewel had accepted his marriage proposal. But with all that, she still knew that there were other men out there—men who could really fuck and lay pipe in woman’s body so methodically and erotically that all a woman could do was shiver and praise them.

  Big Jared had never tapped Jewel’s ass in that manner—and that’s what she missed—the guys who hadn’t been marriage material. Her old Harley Davidson-type biker boyfriends and the hard blond surf dudes and the two secret black guys and the super sexy blue eyed fireman on the long red fire truck and the much older married man on, one of her dad’s golf buddies on Viagra, who’d fucked her outdoors upside BANK OF AMERICA at two in the morning.

  Jewel Harper missed it so much—being with the bad boys and getting that ass tapped the nasty way.

  But now as Olivia offered to run over to SUBWAY and get them some sandwiches—the baby started crying.

  Jewel looked at the ring on her finger and felt miserable. She burst into tears.


  Vincent Bonn waded up to Kate’s front door as though he were swimming through a terrific blue ocean.

  Holding a bouquet of flowers, he realized how long and how patiently he had waited to touch Kate’s body.

  He thought of her dead son, Michael—how they had not only been best of friends their freshman year in college—but how they’d also become like brothers. So alike that people often asked them if they were brothers.

  But always, always…Vincent had been on the prowl for Kate. And what Michael had died without ever knowing was that the reason he and Vincent became so close was because Vincent was after his mother. He used Michael as an excuse to come to the house. He used Michael a way of becoming a part of the family. He had secured and nurtured platonic friendships with Jewel and Olivia. He’d learn everything about the issues and subjects that Kate was interested in—and then he’d lured her into discussions on those issues and discussions.

  “Someday, she’ll be my wife,” he promised himself as he arrived at the door and nervously began straightening his clothes and slicking his hair.

  Finally, he rang the door bell…

  …and Dr. Kate Nixon, languid and beautiful in a flowing strapless sun dress, opened the door….


  Olivia was at SUBWAY ordering a foot long meatball with jalpenos for her older sister and a tuna sandwich with Fritos Corn Chips for herself. After she’d paid for the food and was about to walk out—she stopped dead in her tracks at the sight of the UPS guy, Dex Kellogg, opening the door and walking into SUBWAY just as indecently handsome and sexy as he always looked.

  Nineteen year old blond pretty Olivia got a lump in her throat and her knees turned wobbly, because if there was one guy who made butterflies in her stomach every time she saw him—it was the UPS guy.

  But this time…for the very first time ever…he was going to seriously hurt her feelings.

  “Hey—how you doing?” Olivia smiled big and friendly.

  But Dex barely nodded a hello and swept right past her.

  What was wrong? Hadn’t he seen her?

  Olivia turned and went back to where he’d gotten in line. She smiled, “Excuse me, Dex—it’s Olivia. You always deliver packages at my mom’s…”

  “I know who you are,” Dex said evenly. “I said hello.”

  To Dex Kellogg, Olivia was cute, but he was seriously out to fuck her mother—and now that he had the mother’s cell phone number and was confirmed and accepted as a date partner—he didn’t want any misunderstandings or any female insecurity on Dr. Kate’s part. Being cold to Olivia was his way of letting her know that chances she’d once had with him were now Nil. He would have fucked her months ago, just because she was a mini-Kate and cute (if you can’t fuck the woman you want—fuck her closest female relative type thing), but in Dex’s heart of hearts—he loved fine older women and nothing brought him
the gratification that being a “boy toy” brought him. Being with girls his own age was like having competition. He just didn’t feel as pampered, wanted or as special.

  Dismissively, he looked away from Olivia and began saying what he wanted on his SUBWAY sandwich.

  Saddened and rebuked, pretty blond Olivia turned on her heel and walked out of the store.


  “Your breasts look just as I imagined they’d look…like soft white pillows; heavenly,” Vincent Bonn said as Kate lowered her towel and allowed the young swimmer to gently kiss at her nipple.

  She didn’t look down, because she knew the erection was there—she could literally sense the heat of it rising as though his penis had a will of its own.

  Tenderly, Vincent squeezed her breasts together, his large masculine hands pressing the pale white skin into a blush of hot pink—and then with his eyes closed—he devoured both her pointy nipples with a deep, wet, passionate kissing suction. With nervous ecstasy, Kate’s shoulders tensed upwards. He sucked harder and all through Kate’s body—she felt affirmation and a gush of tingling.

  Already she was feeling better and relaxed. But then Vincent stopped himself and said, “You’re tense. We’d better get you on the table and massage the kinks out.”

  Next to the cushioned massage table were two glasses of white wine, a platter of finger sandwiches and a platter filled with grapes, tangerines and slices of honey dew melon and cantaloupe. As Vincent popped a sandwich into his mouth and munched on the juicy fruit—Kate fitted her towel around her waist and lay on the table with her stomach and face down.

  Tenderly, Vincent began to massage her back—but it was much more than that. It felt like love sculpturing. His thumb and fingers tracing the contours of her body with the intention of healing, soothing and expressing…great care.

  It allowed her to breathe more deeply, to close her eyes and just drift away to a dark peaceful meditation place. It allowed her to accept his love and to trust him more fully. Vincent was not, she realized, a boy toy or a predator or even young college student. He was a wise and masculine spirit—and through the tips of his fingers and the palm of his hand—the love and well wishes that he felt for Kate were absorbed through her skin; through her muscles.

  “I haven’t felt this good in many, many years,” Kate exhaled as Vincent rubbed and caressed her into a state of pure heaven.

  Effortlessly, lost in peace, she fell asleep.

  And while she was asleep, Vincent ate the delicious lunch she’d lain out; drank the white wine; whispered words of love and devotion to his sleeping beauty—and finally, draped her robe over top her body and left the house, locking the door behind him.

  He had never seen Kate so serene, so peaceful; so deep in splendor and away from her troubles. So he hadn’t wanted to wake her. There would be many, many occasions for them to spend time together, and with that in mind, he’d been happy to leave her feeling so refreshed and relieved.

  Only ten minutes after Vincent had left the house, someone began to ring the doorbell.

  DING-dong; DING-dong.

  “Vincent?” Kate called upon waking. “Vincent where are you, handsome?”

  Kate ran her fingers through her hair realizing that Vincent had wanted her to enjoy the deep peaceful rest she’d fallen into.


  Quickly, she wrapped herself in the robe, tying the sash and began moving through the rooms of the house towards the front. “I’m coming, I’m coming!”

  Opening the large heavy front door, she had the feeling it would be someone she didn’t want to see—and lo and behold—there in front of her with his hands in his pocket and a quizzical, impatient look on his wrinkled face was her ex-husband, Hank.

  “Hank—what are you doing here? Why didn’t you call first?”

  “I did call but your cell’s turned off.”


  Hank couldn’t believe that Kate—Dr. Kate—was still dressed in a robe after five o’clock in the evening. He’d never known her to be like that. He asked, “You home sick?”

  “No—no. I was just ah…relaxing today. I pay for this big beautiful house but I rarely take time to use it. And so that’s what I was…”

  “Olivia’s birthday is next week,” Hank said with a gruff voice and a wrinkled brow. “I thought we’d put our heads together and come up with something of a plan on how to celebrate it.”

  Just as Michael had always secretly been Kate’s favorite child; Olivia was Hank’s pride and joy; his heart; his favorite.

  “If I’m not mistaken Jewel and her husband are taking Olivia up to Big Bear for her birthday—or maybe it’s Aspen.”


  Kate could tell that he was annoyed that the children never told him anything yet their mother always knew. He sighed, brushing it off and focused on his ex-wife.

  “So how you been, old doctor Kate?”

  “Fine, but I haven’t exactly been feeling very old lately.”

  “I should say not—not with young men running out of here in the middle of the afternoon.”

  He’d seen Vincent leave the house and hop into his sports car and drive away.

  “That’s none of your business.”

  “Of course it’s not my business, but as a friend who thought he knew you pretty well,” Hank said with a huge grin on his face, “I gotta ask—are you fucking our kids’ friends now?”

  “Vincent Bonn is like family, Hank—since Michael’s death he and I have become…”

  “Like mother and son? Aunt and nephew?”

  As Hank’s eagle gray eyes bore down on her with disapproval, she slowly felt heavy as dark clouds, the dirtiness that Kate used feel began to roll across the plains of her soul and her mind once more. She was draped in it—suppressed and introverted by it once more.

  Kate felt dirty; filthy; busted.

  “Hey, I’m not against it,” Hank chuckled with a head full of gray hair. “You’re not the first woman at AGE FORTY SEVEN GOING ON FORTY EIGHT to have a romp with a younger man. It just surprised me a little that it was our son’s best friend.”

  Kate became tearful, ashamed and irrational. She shouted, “You don’t even know what Vincent was doing here, you dirty minded bastard! Nothing like that was even going on!”

  “OK, OK, I’m sorry.”

  Kate was crying. She was really upset.

  In the space of five short minutes, rusty old fart’n Hank had managed to do what he’d been so good at doing in their marriage—make her feel inadequate and unsure of her decisions.

  “You’ve ruined my day and I think you should leave,” Kate said as she wiped away tears.

  But after Hank was driving way and she’d closed the door, things were not the same as an hour ago.

  Kate was now back in that glass jar she’d been in for the two and a half of years since Michael’s death. Images of her two young studs: strong, sensitive Vincent and the tanned model looking UPS guy suddenly flashed in her mind like symbols of shame and perversion.

  Kids, Hank had called them. Kids.



  I Want to Fuck You Like An Animal

  (Nine Inch Nails)



  The UPS guy called Kate’s cell phone repeatedly, but she never returned his calls. She did, however, listen to his messages—and the deepness of his voice and the open sexuality he exhibited as he talked about how he wanted to “take her out,” only made her feel intimidated and dirty.

  During the day, when he delivered packages (and of course Kate was never home), he left notes with Marcella, the housekeeper, but after Marcella read them and got a big jealous scowl on her face, she tossed them in the trash.

  “Why won’t your mother call me back?” Dex asked Jewel one afternoon when he was delivering packages on her side of town and caught her out in the front yard with her baby.

  “You have my mother’s phone number? I didn’t even know you two were ta
lking—she never mentioned it.”

  “Just tell her to give the UPS guy a call.”

  And then finally, leaving his sixth phone message, he said, “So you like to play games, huh? Hard to get and shit, right? I’m just going to spill it for you, you sexy old bitch. I want to fuck you like an animal…and when I catch you, I’m going to do it. So stop being so cold and give me call back as soon as you get this message.”

  Kate had felt repulsed, not aroused.

  But then when Jewel called up asking her mother questions and revealed that Dex was also a stripper at a club called CANDY MAN—Kate got in her car wearing dark glasses and a trench coat and drove there just in time for the “2 A.M. Dick-Down.”

  The last stripper to hit the stage was none other a tall, dark muscular “Fire Man” with a hose and fire hat—sexier than sexy Dex Kellogg.

  Humping, gyrating and slinking his macho-spectacular frame to Usher’s “Love Up In This Club”—Dex drove the club full of women to sheer pandemonium as he tossed away his fire man’s cap, ripped off his fire vest, discarded his black fire man’s pants, slathered up his body with baby oil and merrily jiggled his hanging thong frontal-crotch dancing big dick as though it was a third leg.

  Kate could only stare in wonder, because she had never in her life seen such a gorgeously built man. Two women fainted and dozens of others fought their way to front so that they could stuff ten, twenty and even hundred dollars bills into Dex’s heavy hanging dick thong.

  Women kept hissing, “Damn, he is so fine!”

  And when it was time for the finale—Dex returned to the stage and danced around a big white bed complete with bedroom set.

  He looked like a GQ-model as he ripped off his thong (causing the roof to nearly cave in from all the screaming, howling and crying), and quickly crashed himself stomach-down on the bed’s white sheets. His tanned muscular naked body coiled on the bed in an Adonis pose as he stared out—literally causing hundreds of multiple orgasms just by the sight of such masculine beauty draped across the bed like every woman’s living fantasy.